martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Planificación viaje Estocolmo.

Preliminary Programme for the Water Project in Huddinge 6th-10th Feb.2012

Monday 6/2Guests arrive, Swedish hosts pick up their guests at central bus
terminalin downtown Stockholm.

Buffet and mingle at Huddingegymnasiet late afternoon.

Tuesday 7/28.00 – 9.00Breakfast at Huddingegymnasiet

9.00-12.00Projectmeeting starts in room M12.
Students present results of their own projectwork, discussion groups.

12.00-13.00Lunch at Huddingegymnasiet

13.00-16.00Guided tour of Huddingegymnasiet, continued project-

Late afternoon/Early evening : Students’ activities : Skating ,Cinema?

Wednesday 8/2 8.00 - 9.00Breakfast at Huddingegymnasiet

Prel. 9.00 We leave school for a study visit

10.30 Study visit at Henriksdalsverket – Henriksdal’s Water
Purification Plant

Lunch in town

14.30 Study visit at the WasaMuséum

From 16.30 Free time (Shopping, Cafées etc.)

                                    Evening activities for guest students organized by Swedish students
Evening meal for teachers

Thursday 9/2       8.00 – 9.00Breakfast at Huddingegymnasiet

Studyvisits at lessons at Huddingegymnasiet for guests,

12.00-13.00Lunch at Huddingegymnasiet

13.00-16.00Planning of future project activities in room M12

                                    16.00-19.00Free time for guests

                                    19.00Buffet dinner at Huddingegymnasiet

Friday 10/2All guests depart, except the Italians.

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